Customer Appreciation: 7 Ways To Say Thank You To Your Customers on Valentine's Day

4 min read | |

Valentine’s Day is that time of year when we celebrate love and appreciation, and it’s a great opportunity to show your customers how much you appreciate them. Too often, the focus is on acquiring new customers rather than nurturing the existing ones. And while it's important to always be looking for ways to grow your business, you can't forget about the customers who have already chosen you. What better day of the year to remind ourselves of that, than Valentine's Day?

Why is it important to show your customers your appreciation?

Customer appreciation is essential for two main reasons: first, because it helps keep your current customers happy and encourages them to continue doing business with you; and second, because it generates goodwill for your business and helps attract new customers.

Customer appreciation ideas

Don't fret if you are not a big business, showing your appreciation doesn't always have to require big gestures, oftentimes it is the little things that count. Here are 7 simple ways but effective ways you can thank your loyal customers.

1. Thank your customers for their support.

The simplest of them all is just saying the words! Whether they've been a customer for years or just placed their first order, let them know how much you value their business.  

1-Jan-21-2022-03-18-39-86-PM2. Offer a special discount or deal

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to offer special discounts or deals to your customers in appreciation for their support. You could offer a coupon code on social media, in an email, or through other channels. Businesses using LoyLap can set up their campaign so customers can automatically redeem the offer when they purchase. Offering these types of discounts can help you show your customers how much you appreciate them while encouraging them to continue supporting your business.

3. Make sure they know about your loyalty program

Showing your appreciation to build customer loyalty isn't a one-time thing (Or at least it shouldn't be!). Use Valentine's Day as a reason to remind your customers about your loyalty program and that you appreciate them all year round, not just for one day. 

2-Jan-21-2022-03-18-40-19-PM4. Follow up with customers who haven't ordered recently

Take the opportunity to re-engage customers you haven't seen in a while, remind them about your business and the products or services that you offer. Thank them for their past support, and perhaps even give a special discount or offer for their next visit to encourage them back again. You could use a simple email campaign to do this, or LoyLap users have the option to create a campaign that will automatically target customers who haven't visited in a while, and you can run it throughout the year too!

5. Give them a surprise

Who doesn't love a surprise gift? For your 'VIPs' you might want to do something extra special to show how much you value their business. You could consider surprising them with a free product or a discount when they spend with you on Valentine's Day, or perhaps you could give them a gift card to use on their next visit?

3-Jan-21-2022-03-18-39-86-PM6. Host a special event

Hosting a special event for your customers will allow you to show them how much you appreciate their support beyond just offering discounts or deals. At an in-person event, you could give away goodies, such as flowers or chocolate. You could also run a competition where all of your customers (or just those who supported the event) are entered to win something special. If in-person is not an option, social media is a good alternative and will have a wider reach!

7. Do something for the greater good

Valentine’s Day is all about love, so you could consider doing something special for the greater good on Valentine’s Day in the name of your customers. Involving them in the decision on which cause you will support, perhaps through a social media poll will not only make it more meaningful to them but will also extend the reach of your message. This can be a great way to show your customers how much you appreciate them while helping others who are less fortunate, which can in turn help create more goodwill for your business.

Thanking your customers is essential for any business. By using some of the ideas we've outlined in this post, you should be able to create an effective customer appreciation campaign that makes your customers feel valued and encourages them to keep supporting your business. What will you do to say thank you to your customers this Valentine's Day?

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