LoyLap Blog

Tips, news and advice for growing your bricks and mortar business using experience-driven commerce to delight customers, drive loyalty and power sales.

Online Ordering by LoyLap: Price Comparison & Advantages

In today’s society, if you ignore your customers’ convenience, your business could fall behind. Customers now ...
8 min read |


3 Reasons to Get to Know Your Customers

3 min read |

Which LoyLap Plan is Best for Me

3 min read |

Mobile Apps and Websites: The Future of Small Businesses

2 min read |

Should I Use Physical or Digital Gift Cards

2 min read |

Less is More

2 min read |

Clicks and Mortar

2 min read |

Digitisation: It's Not Just a Tickbox

2 min read |

6 Reasons to Use Online Ordering

3 min read |

Order Ahead on Tablet

2 min read |